
Batteries vs ICE Generators: Which Provides Better Backup Power?

Having Reliable Backup Power is Essential for Protecting Your Business!
Close shot of battery storage cabinets.

Reliable backup power has never been more crucial. With extreme weather and grid disruptions on the rise, investing in outage protection empowers companies to remain resilient and responsive. It's time to carefully consider your backup power options.

In this article, we'll compare the two most common forms of backup power: battery storage and internal combustion engine (ICE) generators.

Key Points

  1. Businesses need reliable backup power to protect inventory and prevent costly downtime.
  2. Battery storage and internal combustion engine generators are both viable options for backup power.
  3. Battery storage offers a more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly solution.
  4. While ICE generators may seem like the more cost-effective option at first glance, battery storage provides greater ROI over time by actively reducing electricity costs when not providing backup power. 

Why Do Businesses Need Backup Power?

Power outages have severe consequences for businesses. From data loss and production downtime to spoiled products and lost revenue, the consequences of power loss can be costly. In the U.S. alone, power outages cost businesses about $150 billion yearly. Even when outages are short, the time and associated costs of bringing machinery and operations back online can be significant. 

Outage Protection Comparison

So how do these two options compare in terms of outage protection? Let's take a look.

ICE Generators

These generators have been a go-to backup power source for decades. They operate by burning fuel, typically diesel or natural gas, to spin a turbine and generate electricity. These generators are typically used for:

  1. Extended power outages
  2. Remote or off-grid locations
  3. High energy demands

Battery Storage

Battery storage systems provide equivalent, if not superior, outage protection. They deliver instant power without the lag associated with starting a generator.

But beyond reliability, batteries also enable cost savings by storing energy during off-peak hours, allowing businesses to utilize cheaper electricity and reduce utility bills. Additionally, switching to battery storage significantly lowers CO2 emissions, contributing to a sustainable future while improving your company’s environmental impact.

Efficiency Factors to Consider

Both battery storage and internal combustion engine generators have their own efficiency factors that businesses should consider.

Energy Conversion Efficiency

Battery storage has a higher energy conversion efficiency compared to these generators. While ICE generators convert around 30-40% of fuel energy into electricity, battery storage can achieve 85-95% efficiency.

Operational Efficiency

Battery storage has the upper hand in terms of operational efficiency. It requires minimal maintenance and can quickly respond to power outages, whereas ICE generators need regular upkeep regarding fuel, lubricants, and other parts and take time to start up.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to environmental impact, battery storage has a clear advantage. Internal combustion engine generators emit pollutants, greenhouse gases, and noise, while battery storage is emissions-free and often integrates seamlessly with renewable energy sources.

In addition, some states have passed legislation preventing new buildings from installing fossil fuel-powered generators, increasing the need for alternatives like battery storage.  

Which Option Is More Cost Efficient?

Many businesses might assume that ICE generators are the most cost-efficient backup power option, but this isn't necessarily true. Let's take a look at each.

ICE Generators

  1. Lower upfront cost
  2. Frequent maintenance and repair costs
  3. Dependent on fuel prices and availability
  4. Higher fuel and emissions costs over time

Battery Storage

  1. Higher upfront cost
  2. Minimal maintenance costs
  3. Less susceptible to changing fuel prices
  4. Significant electricity bill savings over time
  5. Potential for additional revenue through grid services
  6. Eligible for incentives that help offset upfront investment 

While internal combustion engine generators may initially seem like the more budget-friendly option, the true cost efficiency of backup power lies in the long-term perspective.

Although battery storage requires a higher upfront investment, it offers a sustainable solution that minimizes operational and maintenance expenses and aligns with a forward-thinking approach to energy management. Your savings will not only surpass your initial investment in the long run but also yield greater ROI.

Trust Your Power Backup Strategy By Choosing Torus

At Torus, we focus on reliable outage protection. Torus systems anticipate outages using AI and switch to backup power in 0.01 seconds, ensuring your business operations don’t skip a beat. And, when not providing battery backup, Torus systems automatically work to improve your energy efficiency, lower costs, and reduce CO2 emissions, leading to long-term savings. Trust your power backup strategy to Torus and take a step towards a more sustainable future.